If you are interested in getting some of my local honey it is available at the Island market on St. Joes Island. It is also now available at the Soo market, 73 Brock Street, Sault Ste. Marie, sold by Don Manchur (Mountain Maple Products) at table 3 & 4.
Thank you, Scott Hendriks
The Barr Road Flower Kart
The Barr Road Flower Kart is now closed, we have retired
This has been one of the most difficult letter that we have written, it has been started and deleted several times.
There is no easy way to say this, so this is it, we have owned and operated the Barr Road Flower Kart for thirty years and we are very sorry to tell you that there will be no thirty first year.
There are many reasons and factors that have brought us to this decision. I had thought about trying to explain some of them, but in the end for most of you none of the reasons matter, so I have decided to just say we are ready to retire.
We have to thank our team, over the years we have had many wonderful employees, but the current five are like family to us (sisters and one young lady we would be proud to call our daughter).
There were so many things for us to worry about following covid, but having great help was not one of them. I can say that if it had not been for the five of you we likely would not have reopened. Cheryl, Heather T., Barb, Heather MG., and Miss Emilya, Thank you.
We would also like to thank all our family and so many friends for all their help over the years with whatever building projects we were doing.
Over the years we have learned the names of many of you and others we just know you from your smiles. We have always enjoyed visiting and chatting and we certainly will miss this. We can't say thank you enough for all the years of support and friendship but all things must pass and when it's time it is time, and it is time.